Anchor well
Anchor windlass
Bow anchor and chain roller
Bow protector
Cockpit storage covers
Cockpit table
Cockpit tent
Cooker and oven
Electrical parts
Electric panels
Equipment and measures
For sale
For sale Hanse spare parts
Fridge ventilation
Heath pipe insulation
Impeller change
Improvements by others
Jibs outhaul block
Lock companionway
Lounge extension
Mainsheet traveller
Mast top extension
RAL color codes
Rope terminals
Sails - Code Zero
Sails - Jib
Sails - Main
Saloon lamps
Saloon table stand
Showerdoor clasp
Snatchblocks for Code Zero
Spare parts
Swimming platform
Technical specifications
Water boiler
Water tank key
Windlass aft
Yanmar engine 3JH4E
Yanmar saildrive SD50
 SD50 clutch lapping
 SD50 oil seal replacement

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(C) C.D.G 2009-2023

Uppdated 2023-01-29

Mail to webmaster

Checklist for new boats

As you can see I have changed the the following to include an English translation as I have received lots of questions about the issues I've listed on these pages. With patience and god's speed I'll will someday finish the other pages too. Many of the issues below are documented with pictures on this site so look around and you will be able to link some points with pictures.

The solutions suggested are not what we did in all the cases but what we should have done. Lack of experience, a hurry to get home plus a trust in the after sales service back home lead us to make a mistake and not check everything in Greifswald at the factory.

On this page I'll collect information about what you as a new owner should check when you pick up your brand new boat from Greifswald or from some other part of our huge world. The information is very much be based on my own experiences but I hope you as a visitor to this site will assist me with your suggestions by emailing them to marco@cdg.nu




Checklist provided by member to be open here: Click on me!



First inspection, prior to delivery (bring a camera with you)    
Name and phone contact for person at the shipyard.    
Arrange test sail.    
Fuel up with diesel    
Fill up with drinking water (clean the tank first).    
Buy food    
Add fuel treatment (bacteria killer) to the diesel tanks.    
Prepare fruits and vegetables and slice them. Makes them easier to eat and you avoid using a sharp knife if weather gets rough and you don't have to go down in the galley.    



Issue Action to check Solution Boat modell
Entrance plexiglass had lot of small scratches Inspect all plexi details from different angles in order to find scratches. Ask skipyard to polish Hanse 370
Fluxgate compass broken Calibrate the autopilot by driving around in a circle if calibration not possible it may be because of broken fluxgate. If fluxgate works, check that it is not close to lots of metal. DO NOT DO THIS AFTER YOU LEFT GREIFSWALD! Ask shipyard to help.IF FLUXGATE COMPASS DO NOT WORK YOU WILL NOT BE ABLE TO USE AUTOPILOT! Hanse 370
Sprayhood too close to portside winch Chech that you can rotate winch handle fully around with sprayhood up. Talk to shipyard and see what they can do to solve the problem. Hanse 370
Cockpit tents fittings mounted wrong way Open cockpit hatches and check that the fittings will not hit the hatch when you open it fully. Be careful first time so you will not bend the fitting or crack gelcoat. Ask shipyard to turn the fitting around and add new Sikaflex. Hanse 370
Cockpit tent zipper broke at first use Unmount cockpit tent and re-mount it by yourself and check that zipper will not let go. Ask shipyard to replace the zipper to a stronger one. Hanse 370
Cockpit tent support made of one single piece of metal pipe Check that you can demount the support in at least  2 pieces so you can stow it easily. Ask shipyard to fix.  
Anchor chain scraped the edge of the chain locker. Open chain locker and check that there is a stainless steel rubbing strip on the edge of the locker where the chain passes Ask shipyard to add a stainless steel rub plate. Hanse 370
Anchor hit a hole in the gelcoat, if you have factory mounted bowsprint Lift the anchor arm and see if it can reach some part of the gelcoat on the top of the deck Ask shipyard to add a stainless steel rub plate Hanse 370
Mastfoot blocks If they are smaller than 72 mm blocks from Lewmar, demand they are changed to 72mm blocks. They WILL brake sooner or later. Require better blocks from shipyard. Hanse 370
Self tacking jib loosened from the top Check all shackles yourself, even those high up. Don't trust that they are tight..   Hanse 370
Main sail very difficult to hoist Hoist the sail and judge yourself if it is easy to hoist all the way up with no effort or winch. Check that all travellers on the sail are straight and not twisted. If this will not help demand shipyard to re-sow the sail with longer shackles. Look on this website under "Mainsail" how we did it. You will not like the exercise and hassle in a long run! Hanse 370
Bathing ladder may drop off during sailing Check that it fits in its holes properly Tie it up with a security lanyard to the boat. It is good to have the ladder in its place if someone falls overboard. The bathing platform is too heavy to handle and does not go below the water surface Hanse 370
Test the engine and that battery is charging.      
Log and sonar      
Lanterns Check that all switches on the electrical panel really matches the lantesrns they are supposed to and learn how to use the combination switches for running lights and anchor lights.    
Check all hatches that they are properly fitted both from inside and outside      
Halyards running smooth?      
Chain locker Check that water will get out from the locker. There migt be some dirt and dust in the tube from the cleaning of the boat. Also check from the inside that all hose clamps are tightened so you will not get water inside the hull if the hose comes loose.    
Assemble anchor line, chain and anchor (Ankarolina-roll)      
Install digital charts and test in the chart plotter Dont trust that you have charts pre installed in the plotter. Start the plotter, check that you can see all signs, depth curves and routes.    
Sweet water tank lid. Chech that the lid is properly closed    



Issue Action to check Solution Boat modell
Saloon tables screw came loose from the fittings   New thicker and longer screws. Hanse 370
Fore cabin floorboard creak during heavy seas.   New floorboard that have more space for movement between the hull. Hanse 370
Stereo loose Shake it to be sure its tight Ask shipyard to tighten the metall frame behind the instrumentpanel. Hanse 370
Leakage from the ventilation dorado above the galley. Test  by throwing a bucket of water (or use a water hose) around it couple of times and go inside and wait Ask shipyard to add more Sikaflex Hanse 370
Leakage under the sink in the galley Pour water in the sink, check that all hose clamps are tightened and that there is two of them on every hose Ask shipyard to tighten the hose clamps, add new clamps where required. Hanse 370
Cracked paint around the window frame in the toilet/shower Poke around every screw and check that the paint has not cracked Ask shipyard to replace windows because if it has started to crack it will continue. Hanse 370
Plexi glass wall in shower was warped Check that the fittings on the sink and around are mounted correctly so they don't force the wall to bend   Hanse 370
Extra eqcuipment you ordered Check that everything is mounted, that things work and are powered, communicates with each other if applicable, e.g Simnet. Check that your autopilot communicates with your plotter and that there is all required parts to do so.    
Saloon lamps lacked chrome on the power switch. Check all chromed plastic parts that they are fully coated with chrome   Hanse 370
Go through the boat and check the interior / doors etc.      
Test heather Check that there is an intake for fresch iar from the outside, check if there is a sound muffler attached, check that there is a plate that protects equipment from the hor surface of tubes etc.    
Test the stove and owen Fire up the owen and the stoves    
Test all pumps, also bilge pumps Test them properly, add water to the bilge pump and test also the manual pump. SEE ALSO CLEANING UNDER FLOOR BOARDS.    
Hose clamps      
Check 230V Shorepower and battery charging      
Tighten all hose clamps, sewage, freshwater, engine, shower, toilet, pumps etc Check that you have double clamps in every end of the hose where it is required (especially those hoses that goes through the hull)    
lCheck for leaking windows, ventilators, external shower hose connection inside boat. Leacking windows, ventilators, external shower hose connection inside boat.    
Check floor boards are not too close together. There needs to be a small space otherwise they can creak.      
Clean up all dirt under the floor boards There is quite lot of dust under the floor boards and if you get a leak on the boat the dust will clogg up and in worst case damage the bilge pump.    


Swedish English Need to buy Packed
adapter, gasol (svensk) Adapter for liquid gas to fit your country standard. Boat is delivered with Butane instead ov Propane    
ankare (bruce-kopia, 10 kg) Anchor (Bruce-copy 10 kg)    
ankarolina (56 meter) Ankarolina (56 meter)    
Bensinfilter Fuel filters    
Bergskilar Mountain portrays    
bestick Cutlery    
bevel (kona vid motorgång med segel)      
Brandfilt Fire blankett    
brandsläckare Fire extinguishers    
buntband Straps different sizes    
Båtmansstol / klättersele Bousuns chair / Climbing harness    
båtshake Boat hook    
dator (dong + laddare x 2) Computer (dong + chargers, extra battery)    
Dextrosol eller godis för akut blodsockerfall Dextrosol or candy for low blood sugar    
Diskmedel Detergent    
Diskoborste Dish brush    
Disktrasa Dishcloth/rag    
Eltejp electrical tape    
Extra ombyte av kläder      
Extra slangklämmor Extra hose clamps    
Extra winschhandtag, flytande      
Fenderskydd Fender covers    
fendrar (runda + 2 vanliga) Fenders (round + 2 standard)    
ficklampa torch    
filtar Blanketts    
flagga Flagg    
flytelement till startnyckeln samt något att binda fast nyckeln med i båten så den inte tas av vågor som slår över båten.      
första hjälpen First aid kit    
Galgar för kläder      
gasolflaska, svensk? Kolla måtten på flaskan då skåpen är ofta måttade för tysk butanflaska G3      
generatorrem, reserv      
glas och muggar      
Glidskydd till hyllor      
Grabb bag      
gästflaggor (tysk, dansk) Guest flaggs    
Hammare till bergskilar      
Handkompass  Hand held compass    
handuk Towels    
hänglås (salong, bänkar)      
impeller, reserv      
kamera + batteri + laddare      
knivar etc      
knivar, helst sågtandade Knifes, serrated    
kätting + schacklar (3 meter)      
landströmkabel (flera) + handske       
Livboj + hållare      
livflotte Life raft    
livselar + livlinor      
Mobitelefon + mobilladdare      
mössa, vindtät helst      
olja till motorn (tar ofta lite extra de första timmarna, viktigt att det är samma sort som original)      
oljefilter Oil filter    
Penna och papper      
Plastbackar till stuvkistorna      
Plastlådor att ha mat i      
plotter (Garmin)      
Radarreflektor (ej rör)      
radio (kolla väder-tider)      
Regnjacka + regnbyxor      
Reparationskit för segel      
silvertape ducktape    
sjökort papper (Tyskland, Danmark, södra Sverige)      
sjökort plotter (Tyskland, Danmark, södra Sverige)      
Sjösjuketabletter eller ingefära i någon form      
sladdlampa (12V eller 230)      
Solglasögon  Sunglasses    
Sopborste + skyffel      
Soppåsar (kan användas även som skydd för vantarna      
stekpanna  Fryng pan    
Synålar + tråd      
sängkläder (kuddar, täcken, linne)      
tallrikar Plates    
tampar (4 x 10 meters + en lång, 25 meter      
träplugg, genomföringar      
tändare och tändstickor Lighter and matches    
Underställ som torkar snabbt      
valuta (EUR, DKK, SEK) Currency    
vantar + stora diskhandskar för att skydda vatnarna. Neoprenhandskar funkar inte      
vattenkokare waterkettel    
Vattentät påse      
verktygslåda (skall kompletteras)      
VHF radio VHF radio    
våtdräkt, cyklop, snorkel wetsuite, mask and snorkel    
värmefläkt (en eller två?)      
Värmeljus + hållare      
åskledare 4 st      
Ankarhållare till extraankare      




Opening hours for bridges



09.00 Uhr, 10.00 Uhr, 11.00 Uhr, 13.00 Uhr, 14.00 Uhr, 15.00 Uhr, 16.00 Uhr, 17.00 Uhr, 18.00 Uhr, 19.00 Uhr, 20.00 Uhr
zusätzlich von Freitag- Sonntag 21.00 Uhr


05:20 Uhr

08:20 Uhr

12:20 Uhr

17:20 Uhr

21:20 Uhr  

http://www.europa-greifswald.bestwestern.de/                                       boka via varvet

 Färja Trelleborg - Sassnitz


Försäkringfrån när?


Greifswald - Stralsund - Mön alt. Falsterbo - Dragör - Helsingborg - Anholt alt. Glommen - Öckerö


 Vi har gjort den här turen tre gånger. Du måste ha koll öppningstiderna för bron i Wiek och bron i Stralsund, tiderna finns på nätet. Stralsund har en bra hamn alldeles efter bron och med gångavstånd till centrum. Det blir ingen särskilt lång etapp men Stralsund är värt ett besök.

 Vi har antingen gått ut söder om Hiddensee och satt kurs mot Mön eller gått rakt norrut och satt kurs mot Falsterbo.

 Om man inte stannar i Stralsund är Vitte på Hiddensee en bra hamn. Sträckan till Klintehamn på Mön är kortare än sträckan till Falsterbo men vindriktningen har fått bestämma.

 Från Klintehamn är det en lagom etapp till Dragör utanför Köpenhamn.

 Nästa etapp har blivit Helsingborg eller Torekov. Båda hamnarna är trevliga med bra restauranger.

 Om man väljer att följa svenska kusten kan det vara lagom att gå till Glommen eller Varberg annars är Anholt värt ett besök. Sedan är man snart hemma.

 Vägen öster om Rügen har vi inte prövat det känns som att det blir en ganska lång första etapp från Greiswald upp till Sverige första dagen med en ny båt vill man gärna pröva prylarna och inte bara sträcksegla.